%0 Journal Article %T O Alquimista & The Alchemist: conditions of production in the translation process O Alquimista & The Alchemist: condi es de produ o no processo tradut¨®rio %A Angela Enz Teixeira %A Rosa Maria Olher %J Tradu£¿£¿o & Comunica£¿£¿o : Revista Brasileira de Tradutores %D 2012 %I Anhanguera Educacional %X This paper argues on the conditions of production of The Alchemist - English version (2006) - by Paulo Coelho. By comparing the Brazilian version (1995) to the English version, numerous textual differences were identified and it was observed that they could be clustered into categories. Thus, this theoretical condition resulted in the following question: How does the process of relationship between meaning and discourse production occur, considering the author¡¯s, the translator¡¯s and the supposed reader¡¯s voices in The Alchemist? The aim of this article is to reflect and discuss on the translator¡¯s function and role, by investigating the conditions of production in the translation process of the English version. The specific objectives are: to classify and exemplify the translator¡¯s signs; to point out the socio-cultural constraints on the translator¡¯s choices and to discuss the relationship between meaning and discourse taking into account both cultural text contexts: the departure and the arrival contexts. Regarding the methodology, the work is bibliographical and the method is comparative. The discursive approach is justified on linguistic materiality and the perspective that underpins the analysis is the postmodern, which is consistent with the perspective of discourse analysis. Este artigo tematiza as condi es de produ o da vers o inglesa de O Alquimista (2006), de Paulo Coelho. Tal recorte deu-se ap¨®s a compara o da vers o brasileira (1995) com a inglesa, ao identificarem-se in¨²meras diferen as textuais pass¨ªveis de agrupamento em categorias. Instala-se, ent o, a seguinte pergunta: como se d¨¢ o processo de rela o de sentidos e de produ o de discursos, considerando-se as vozes do autor, do tradutor e do suposto leitor, na vers o inglesa The Alchemist? Nesse enfoque, o objetivo geral ¨¦ refletir sobre a ¡°fun o tradutor¡± e as condi es de produ o do processo tradut¨®rio na vers o inglesa. Os objetivos espec¨ªficos s o: classificar e exemplificar as marcas do tradutor na vers o inglesa; apontar os condicionantes socioculturais das escolhas tradut¨®rias; discutir o processo de rela o de sentidos e de discursos levando-se em conta os dois contextos, o de partida e o de chegada. Quanto ¨¤ metodologia, o trabalho ¨¦ bibliogr¨¢fico e o m¨¦todo, comparativo. Embora a abordagem discursiva se justifique na materialidade lingu¨ªstica, a perspectiva que subsidia a an¨¢lise ¨¦ a p¨®s-moderna, a qual coaduna com a perspectiva da An¨¢lise do Discurso. %K tradu o %K processo discursivo %K O Alquimista %K condi es de produ o %K fun o tradutor. %U http://sare.anhanguera.com/index.php/rtcom/article/view/4482