%0 Journal Article %T (Re) significando a solidariedade na velhice: para al¨¦m de la os consangu¨ªneos = (Re) meaning the solidarity in the old age: beyond consanguineous ties %A Raimunda Silva D¡¯ Alencar %J Acta Scientiarum : Human and Social Sciences %D 2012 %I %X O envelhecimento da popula o brasileira vem promovendo altera es substanciais em m¨²ltiplas dimens es da vida e, particularmente, nas rela es familiares e extrafamiliares. As aceleradas mudan as sociais impactam diretamente as configura es das fam¨ªlias e produzem descontinuidades de afetos e solidariedades. ¨¤ medida que a velhice se estabelece, os idosos reelaboram essas rela es sob novas bases, ajustam-se ¨¤s novas realidades, mas sem acomoda es e avan am na constru o e diversifica o de novos la os e solidariedades, costurando cuidadosamente as diferen as internas entre filhos, netos, noras e genros, e projetando para outros espa os aquilo que entendem como perdido: carinho, afeto, aten o, respeito. Extrapolando as fam¨ªlias consangu¨ªneas, os idosos buscam os grupos de conviv¨ºncia, que exercem fun es fundamentais n o apenas por substitu¨ªrem, em muitos casos, a j¨¢ instalada aus¨ºncia de familiares, mas tamb¨¦m por preencherem espa os que a sociedade, de um modo geral, tem deixado vazios para quem envelhece. The aging of the brazilian population has been making substantial changes in multiple dimensions of life, and particularly in familiar and extra-familiar relationships. The accelerated social changes impact directly on familiar configurations and produce discontinuities of affection and solidarity. To the extent that aging is established, the elderly reconstruct the familiar relationships under new bases, fit to the new realities, but without accommodations, and advance in the construction and diversification of new ties and solidarities, carefully tailoring the internal differences between children, grandchildren, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law, and designing for others spaces what it means lost: fondness, affection, autonomy, attention, respect. Extrapolating from consanguineous families, the elderly seek the support groups, which exercise fundamental functions not only by replacing, in many cases, the absence of family members already in place, but for filling spaces that the society, in general, has left empty for those ages. %K intera es sociais %K la os afetivos %K grupos de conviv¨ºncia %K rela es familiares %K social interactions %K bonding %K support groups %K familiar relationships %U http://www.periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciHumanSocSci/article/view/16182/pdf