%0 Journal Article %T Entre figura es e associa es. As sociologias de Norbert Elias e Bruno Latour = Between figurations and associations. The sociologies of Norbert Elias and Bruno Latour %A Nathalia Urbano Canal %J Acta Scientiarum : Human and Social Sciences %D 2011 %I %X Este artigo apresenta ideias relacionadas com a defini o de ¡®realidade social¡¯ e do ¡®social¡¯ desenvolvidas pelos cientistas sociais Norbert Elias e Bruno Latour. A exposi o dessas ideias ¨¦ guiada pelas seguintes perguntas: qual ¨¦ a cr¨ªtica que os autores fazem aos pressupostos sociol¨®gicos dos quais eles se afastam? Como entendem os autores a realidade social, a sociedade, o social? Qual ¨¦ a discuss o e a proposta que eles fazem sobre a tens o indiv¨ªduo ¨C sociedade? Quais s o as diferen as e similitudes entre as duas propostas? Com a resposta dessas quest es se faz uma aproxima o aos principais pressupostos te¨®ricos da Sociologia das figura es de Elias e ¨¤ Sociologia das associa es de Latour, assim como se faz uma apresenta o das contribui es que os autores trazem ¨¤ sociologia contemporanea. This article presents ideas relative to the definition of ¡®social reality¡¯ and ¡®the social¡¯ developed by the social scientists Norbert Elias and Bruno Latour. The presentation of these ideas is guided by the following questions: what is the criticism that the authors make to the sociological assumptions of which they move away?; How do they understand the social reality, society, the social?; What is the discussion and proposal that they do about the relationship individual - society?; What are the differences and similarities between the two proposals?. With the response to these issues, this article makes a connection to the main theoretical suppositions of the Elias¡¯s Sociology of figurations and to the Latour¡¯s Sociology of associations, as well as makes a presentation of the contributions of the authors to the contemporary sociology. %K Teoria do Ator-Rede %K realidade social %K sociologia contemporanea %K Actor-Network Theory %K social reality %K contemporary sociology %U http://www.periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciHumanSocSci/article/view/11771/pdf