%0 Journal Article %T On the Betti numbers of some semigroup rings %A Vincenzo Micale %A Anda Georgiana Olteanu %J Le Matematiche %D 2012 %I University of Catania %X For any numerical semigroup S, there are infinitely many numerical symmetric semigroups T such that S = T/2 (see below for the definition of T/2) is their half. We are studying the Betti numbers of the numerical semigroup ring K[T ] when S is a 3-generated numerical semigroup or telescopic. We also consider 4-generated symmetric semigroups and the so called 4-irreducible numerical semigroups. %K Numerical semigroups %K Betti numbers %K Semigroup rings %K Simplicial complexes %U http://www.dmi.unict.it/ojs/index.php/lematematiche/article/view/949