%0 Journal Article %T La desigualdad de la riqueza en Tucum¨¢n entre 1869 y 1884. Una aproximaci¨®n a su medici¨®n a partir de los inventarios post mortem %A ¨¢lvarez %A Beatriz %J Poblaci£¿3n y sociedad %D 2011 %I Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales %X The objective of this work is to estimate wealth distribution in Tucum¨¢n between 1869 and 1884 by using probate inventories, which are available in the Archivo Hist¨®rico de la Provincia de Tucum¨¢n (AHT). A methodology to expand the sample to total population for correcting sample biases is proposed. The empirical strategy consists of using occupation distribution by geographical location in 1869 census to assign weights that remove or at least reduce sample biases.The obtained characterization will be useful to check the image of Tucum¨¢n in this period as a place of economical well-being, documented in travelers and statistics notes. %K inequality %K wealth %K probate inventories %U http://www.poblacionysociedad.org.ar/archivos/18/P&S%20V18-N2-Alvarez.pdf