%0 Journal Article %T Pobreza y trasnformaciones econ¨®micas en Catamarca y Tucum¨¢n (1980-2002) %A Osatinsky %A Ariel %J Poblaci£¿3n y sociedad %D 2009 %I Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales %X In the beginning of the 21st century Catamarca and Tucum¨¢n were showing important differences in social and economic level. While the first, with a more reduced and tradicional productive structure, had the less percentage of poor homes in the whole ¡°Norte Grande Argentino¡±, Tucum¨¢n suffered major levels of poverty, being its economy the most developed of the north of the country. Having in mind that the poverty is intimately related to the economy, the present article is trying to analyze the characteristics of the poverty in Tucum¨¢n and Catamarca in 2001, and to investigate about the relations which existed between the differential levels of privation in both provinces and the transformations which suffered their respective productive structures in the last decades of the 20th century. %K Catamarca %K Tucum¨¢n %K Poverty %K productive structure %K employment problems %U http://www.poblacionysociedad.org.ar/archivos/16/06-osatinsky.pdf