%0 Journal Article %T Three solutions for a class of Neumann boundary value systems driven by a (p_1,...,p_n)-Laplacian operator %A Nguyen Thanh Chung %A G.A. Afrouzi %A A. Hadjian %J Le Matematiche %D 2012 %I University of Catania %X In this paper, we prove the existence of at least three weak solutions for Neumann doubly eigenvalue elliptic systems involving the (p_1, . . . , p_n )-Laplacian. The approach is based on a recent three critical points theorem obtained by B. Ricceri [9]. We also give some examples to illustrate the obtained results. %K (p_1 %K ... %K p_n)-Laplacian operator %K Three critical point theorem %U http://www.dmi.unict.it/ojs/index.php/lematematiche/article/view/891