%0 Journal Article %T Curves on a quadric surface over $overline{mathbb {F}}_p$ %A Edoardo Ballico %J Le Matematiche %D 2012 %I University of Catania %X Here (following a paper by Giuffida, Maggioni and Re) we study the existence of curve $Cin vert mathcal {O}_{mathbb {P}^1 imes mathbb {P}^1}(a,b)vert$ defined over small fields and with $h^0(C,mathcal {O}_C(x,y))cdot h^1(C, mathcal {O}_C(x,y))=0$ for all integers $x, y$ such that $xge a$ and $yle -2$. %K quadric surface %K bihomogeneous polynomial %K curve in a quadric surface %U http://www.dmi.unict.it/ojs/index.php/lematematiche/article/view/904