%0 Journal Article %T Ester Boserup: naturaleza y cultura en los procesos de desarrollo %A Jon Mathiew %J Poblaci£¿3n y sociedad %D 2010 %I Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales %X The pair of opposites ¡°nature¡°/¡°culture¡° belongs to the fundamental coordinates of social orientation and is important in many scientifi c fi elds. From the use of these notions by different authors one can infer their general position and the background of their arguments. On condition, however, that one looks carefully at the context, since the notions are large and carry many meanings. This article deals with the economist Ester Boserup (1910-1999) who has made herself known in the scientifi c community through the book on The Conditions of Agricultural Growth and other important studies. The article shows how she worked with ¡°nature¡° from the start, and very much later, within a new framework, discovered ¡°culture¡°. %K Ester Boserup %K nature %K culture %U http://www.poblacionysociedad.org.ar/archivos/17/P&S%20V17-Mathieu.pdf