%0 Journal Article %T Sediment yield model implementation based on check dam infill stratigraphy in a semiarid Mediterranean catchment %A G. Bussi %A X. Rodr¨ªguez-Lloveras %A F. Franc¨¦s %A G. Benito %J Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions %D 2013 %I Copernicus Publications %R 10.5194/hessd-10-3427-2013 %X Soil loss and sediment transport in Mediterranean areas are driven by complex non-linear processes which have been only partially understood. In order to facilitate the comprehension of these phenomena, distributed models can be very helpful tools for sediment yield estimation. In this work, a modelling approach is proposed to reproduce and evaluate erosion and sediment yield processes in a Mediterranean catchment (Rambla del Poyo, Valencia, Spain). Due to the lack of sediment transport records for model calibration and validation, a detailed description of the alluvial stratigraphy infilling a check dam that drains a 12.9 km2 sub-catchment was used as an indirect evidence of sediment yield data. These dam infill sediments showed evidences of at least 15 depositional events (floods) over the time period 1990¨C2009. The TETIS-SED model, a distributed conceptual hydrological and sediment model, was coupled to the Sediment Trap Efficiency for Small Ponds (STEP) model for reproducing reservoir retention, and it was calibrated and validated using the sedimentation volume estimated for the depositional units associated with discrete runoff events. The results show relatively low net erosion rates compared to other Mediterranean catchments (14 t km 2 yr 1), probably due to the extensive outcrops of limestone bedrock and rather homogeneous vegetation cover, and confirms the ephemeral behaviour of the stream. The modelled sediment production rates offer satisfactory results, further supported by palaeohydrological evidences, showing its great potential for the quantitative analysis of sediment dynamics in ungauged Mediterranean basins. %U http://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci-discuss.net/10/3427/2013/hessd-10-3427-2013.pdf