%0 Journal Article %T Water Balance Study of a Groundwater-dependent Oak Forest %A M¨®RICZ %A Norbert %J Acta Silvatica & Lignaria Hungarica %D 2010 %I %X The objectives of this study were (1) to estimate the water balance components of an oak standby calibrating a Hydrus 1-D model, (2) to determine the groundwater consumption by the water tablefluctuation method and (3) to compare the results of the modelling with a remote-sensing based estimation.Model simulation described the observed soil moisture and groundwater level relatively well, theroot mean square errors varied between 12.0 and 14.9% for the soil moisture measurements and 5.0%for the groundwater level. Groundwater consumption was estimated also by the water table fluctuationmethod, which provided slightly different groundwater consumption rates than estimated by theHydrus model simulation. The simulated evapotranspiration was compared with results of a remotesensingbased estimation using the surface temperature database of MODIS.According to the Hydrus model, the estimated evapotranspiration resulted from transpiration(73%), interception loss (23%) and soil surface evaporation (4%) in the two-year study period. Theproportion of groundwater consumption was 58% of the total transpiration. During the dry growingseason of 2007 the groundwater consumption was significant with 66% of the total transpiration.Water supply from groundwater was found to be less important in the wet growing season of 2008with 50%. The remote-sensing based estimation of evapotranspiration was about 4% lower than themodel based results of nearby comparable sites. %K groundwater %K evapotranspiration %K hydrus 1-D %U http://aslh.nyme.hu/fileadmin/dokumentumok/fmk/acta_silvatica/cikkek/Vol06-2010/04_moriczn_p.pdf