%0 Journal Article %T La Bacanal de Tiziano %A Manuel Canga %J Trama y Fondo : Revista de Cultura %D 2009 %I Asociaci¨Žn Cultural Trama y Fondo %X This paper analyzes Bacchanal of the Andrians, a painting made by Titian during a decisive moment in European art. The painting represents a festive scene, taken from Philostratus's literary testimony. It especially standsout because of the beauty of its aesthetic forms, the chromatic harmony, the daring and challenging nature ofthe composition, and the way it interprets the fragment of a mythical narrative whose subject is Bacchus, thegod of wine and of mystic delirium in the old Greek-Roman culture %K Titian %K Myth %K Festivity %K Wine %K Bacchanal %U http://www.tramayfondo.com/numeros_revista/Trama_y_Fondo_27.pdf