%0 Journal Article %T Huxley¡¯s Eyeless in Gaza: The Role of Time and Narrative in the Depiction of Personality %A L¨¢szl¨® Kajt¨¢r %J Trans : Revue de Litt¨¦rature G¨¦n¨¦rale et Compar¨¦e %D 2010 %I Universit¨¦ Sorbonne Nouvelle %X Cet article propose une analyse du roman d¡¯Aldous Huxley publi¨¦ en 1936, Eyeless in Gaza [La Paix des profondeurs]. L¡¯objectif de l¡¯¨¦tude est de montrer que le roman a ¨¦t¨¦ presque toujours analys¨¦ ¨¤ travers des commentaires qui semblent d¨¦sormais d¨¦pass¨¦s. En r¨¦v¨¦lant les principaux ¨¦l¨¦ments du caract¨¨re du protagoniste et leurs relations au temps et ¨¤ la narration, nous chercherons ¨¤ d¨¦montrer que Huxley ¨¦tait le ma tre de la tromperie et que La Paix des profondeurs est une oeuvre bien plus complexe que ce que la critique a pu en dire. This paper presents an analysis of Aldous Huxley¡¯s 1936 novel, Eyeless in Gaza. Generally, the point is to show that the novel very rarely received criticism that does not seem outdated by now. By describing the protagonist¡¯s character and the interconnectedness of time, narrative and personality, it will be demonstrated that Huxley was a master of deception and that Eyeless in Gaza is a much more complicated text than it is traditionally thought to be. %U http://trans.revues.org/407