%0 Journal Article %T Les nouvelles fronti¨¨res des Jeux Anthropologiques de Saint-Louis The new frontiers of the St. Louis Anthropological Games: sport and the racialization of the American nation at the onset of the twentieth century %A Fabrice Delsahut %J Transatlantica : Revue d'¨¦tudes Am¨¦ricaines %D 2012 %I Association fran?aise d'¨¦tudes am¨¦ricaines %X En 1904, ¨¤ Saint-Louis, les comp¨¦titions olympiques furent perdues dans le chaos d¡¯une exposition universelle, la Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Les Jeux olympiques ne purent ¨¦chapper ¨¤ la mont¨¦e des id¨¦ologies racistes du d¨¦but du xxe si¨¨cle et ils contribu¨¨rent ¨¤ discuter du m¨¦rite athl¨¦tique des diff¨¦rentes races. Malgr¨¦ l¡¯esprit universel qu¡¯on voulait y voir pr¨¦sider, Saint-Louis refl¨¦ta longtemps les pr¨¦jug¨¦s raciaux de leurs organisateurs. Ces derniers mirent aussi sur pied des comp¨¦titions sp¨¦ciales, appel¨¦es pour l¡¯occasion journ¨¦es anthropologiques , r¨¦serv¨¦es ¨¤ ceux que l¡¯Am¨¦rique s¨¦gr¨¦gationniste du moment consid¨¦rait comme des sous-hommes. ¨¤ partir de ces faits, nous essaierons de montrer comment les sciences du sport et l¡¯anthropologie naissante se mirent ensemble au service de causes aussi discutables que la hi¨¦rarchisation raciale et le droit ¨¤ la colonisation et contribu¨¨rent grandement ¨¤ la naissance d¡¯une nation am¨¦ricaine mettant le sport au c ur de sa constitution. L¡¯impact des race studies sur les fa ons de penser le sport ne furent pas, contrairement ¨¤ ce que s¡¯efforc¨¨rent de faire croire les diff¨¦rents pr¨¦sidents du C.I.O. au cours des d¨¦cennies suivantes, qu¡¯un simple avatar du mouvement olympique. Enfin, nous verrons l¡¯influence de ce spectacle athl¨¦tique interracial en dehors des ¨¦tats-Unis qui a assur¨¦ment permis d¡¯¨¦laborer une certaine perception de l¡¯alt¨¦rit¨¦ et limiter l¡¯insertion des peuples autochtones dans le tissu sportif mondial. In 1904, in St. Louis, the Olympic competitions were lost in the chaos of a World Fair called the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The Olympic Games could not escape the rise in the racist ideologies of the 20th century and they contributed to the discussing of the athletic merit of the different races. In spite of the universal spirit that was expected to prevail, the Games of St. Louis showed the racial prejudices of their organizers. They also set up special competitions, called for the occasion ¡°Anthropological Days¡±, reserved for those who were considered as sub-humans by the segregationist America of that time. From these facts, we would like to show how sports sciences and burgeoning anthropology began, together, to serve such questionable causes as racial hierarchy and the right to colonize and how they greatly contributed to the birth of an American nation that put sport in the heart of its constitution. The impact of race studies on the ways of thinking sport, contrary to what the different chairmen of the IOC tried hard to make believe during the new decades, was not only a mere a %K Anthropology %K anthropological days %K Olympic Games %K races %K sport %K Anthropologie %K journ¨¦es anthropologiques %K jeux olympiques %K races %K sport %U http://transatlantica.revues.org/5450