%0 Journal Article %T Symposium ˇ°Visual Studies / ¨¦tudes visuelles: un champ en questionˇ± %A Camille Rouquet %J Transatlantica : Revue d'¨¦tudes Am¨¦ricaines %D 2012 %I Association fran?aise d'¨¦tudes am¨¦ricaines %X Organised by Fran ois Brunet (UPD/LARCA), Catherine Bernard (UPD/LARCA), Marc Vernet (UPD/CERILAC) and Andr¨¦ Gunthert (EHESS/LHIVIC), this three-day conference was dedicated to the following issues: the archaeology of visual studies in the Anglophone world, the translatability of visual studies into the French and European fields, and the relationship of visual studies to history and its methods. This symposium was an opportunity to try and assess the position of visual studies in France, whe... %U http://transatlantica.revues.org/5431