%0 Journal Article %T CONSIDERA IUNI DESPRE MANAGEMENTUL RECOMPENSELOR %A Ioan BORDEAN %J Acta Universitatis Danubius : Communicatio %D 2007 %I Danubius University %X The management of human resources could be defined as acomplex of interdisciplinary steps taken in recruiting, selecting, hiring anddirecting the personnel via a performing and ergonomical organization ofwork and providing material as well as moral incentives until the conclusionof the labour contract. This definition would point at the ¡°person¨Crequirement¡± system, where the individual occupies a central position, beingcompelled to respond to the requirements of all factors. The paper aims atanalyzing the reward management problem, from the viewpoint ofconsidering the individual as the most valuable asset of any organistation,and the human resource investment as the best way to ensure of its survival. %K human resources %K equity %K competitivity %K social protection %U http://journals.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/communicatio/article/view/440/411