%0 Journal Article %T Are Orbitals Observable? %A Peter Mulder %J Hyle : International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry %D 2011 %I HYLE Publications, Karlsruhe and University of Karlsruhe %X In this paper I discuss the question whether orbitals can be observed or not. I argue that the answer depends on how the terms 'orbitals' and 'observed' are understood. The fact that different authors take radically different stances on the issue is caused by their employing different uses of either of the two terms. I furthermore discuss a recent argument by Labarca and Lombardi to the effect that the orbital concept in chemistry is discontinuous with that in quantum mechanics. I argue that, quite to the contrary, there is continuity between the two. %K philosophy of chemistry %K orbitals %K observability %K approximations %K quantum mechanics %U http://www.hyle.org/journal/issues/17-1/mulder.pdf