%0 Journal Article %T Motor abilities, movement skills and their relationship before and after eight weeks of martial arts training in people with intellectual disability [Motorick¨¦ schopnosti, pohybov¨¦ dovednosti a vztah mezi nimi u osob s ment¨¢ln¨ªm posti en¨ªm p ed osmitydenn¨ªm kurzem bojovych um¨§n¨ª a po jeho ukon en¨ª] %A Samo Masle£¿a %A Mateja Videm£¿ek %A Damir Karpljuk %J Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis : Gymnica %D 2012 %I Palacky University %X BACKGROUND: A part of the population of people with intellectual disability is historically inclined to obesity and in a poorer health condition. That is the reason why sport should play an important role in their lives. Designing scientifically and professionally valid training programmes, consisting of the necessary methodology and didactical instructions for sport engagement of people with intellectual disability, is not only a challenge but has become a necessity for the near future. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to establish a correlation between selected motor abilities and motor skills of martial arts as well as how and to what extent a group of people with intellectual disability (ID) who regularly practice Gan (inclusive) judo can achieve progress in their martial arts skills (judo, karate, boxing and fencing) after an eight-week training programme. We were also interested in whether there were any changes in selected motor abilities. METHODS: Measurement of motor abilities and selected martial art skills was conducted twice: in March 2008, one week before the eight-week training started, and in May 2008, one week after it had been completed. The training programme lasted for two months, with two sessions per week. The sample of subjects comprised 5 women and 18 men aged between 16 and 36, with mild and moderate intellectual disability. The study was conducted using 8 tests to assess motor abilities and 9 tests to assess martial art skills. RESULTS: The results of a t-test for dependent samples showed statistically significant differences between the initial and final measurements in seven tests of motor abilities and eight tests of martial arts skills, while a significant correlation was found between the overall average score of martial arts and results of seven motor ability tests in the initial and five in the final measurement. CONCLUSSIONS: After the training process positive changes in motor abilities and motor skills of Gan judokas had been noted. The effects of the training program should be verified in future studies. It is worth reiterating that by improving motor abilities and expanding the boundaries of skills, people with intellectual disability enhance their quality of life. Attention in the future and thus contributes to a higher quality of intellectually disabled people¡¯s engagement in sport as well as in life. [VYCHODISKA: Je zn¨¢mo, e ¨¢st populace osob s ment¨¢ln¨ªm posti en¨ªm m¨¢ sklon k obezit¨§ a hor ¨ªmu zdravotn¨ªmu stavu. Proto by v jejich ivotech m¨§l hr¨¢t vyznamnou roli sport. Navrhnout v¨§decky a profesion¨¢ln¨§ ¨² inn¨¦ %K motor learning %K retention %K correlation %U http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/225