%0 Journal Article %T Adherence to the aerobics exercise program in women aged 40 to 65 [Adherence ke cvi ebn¨ªmu programu aerobiku u en ve v¨§ku 40 a 65 let] %A Lib¨§na Kov¨¢£¿ov¨¢ %A Pavel Stejskal %A Filip Neuls %A Milan Elfmark %J Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis : Gymnica %D 2011 %I Palacky University %X BACKGROUND: The analysis of exercise adherence belongs among the basic criteria for evaluation of the efficiency of intervention exercise programs. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the adherence of participants to the half-year dance and step aerobics program. METHODS: The experimental group consisted of 47 women aged 40 to 65 years old who exercised three times per week for a period of six months. The participant¡¯s attendance sheets and their answers to two questions from the checklist were used for the evaluation of their adherence to the workouts. RESULTS: The mean value of the adherence of the whole group to the intervention exercise program was 70.43%. Mean values of the group gradually decreased from 85.39% to 68.35% during the first four months of the intervention exercise program. In the last two months of the intervention, the adherence continued to decrease when the average values of their attendance were slightly under 60%. Compared to other months, these differences were statistically and logically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Reasons for different or possibly decreasing degrees of adherence to long-lasting intervention exercise programs are mostly objective, e.g. health (55.17%), family (13.70%) and work (22.41%). Other reasons (8.62%) are based on psychological factors (motivational and personal characteristics), the offerings and attractiveness of the activities, which are closely associated to the current health status and movement experience of the individual. Even the group form of exercise does not guarantee a high rate of the participant¡¯s adherence. [VYCHODISKA: Jedn¨ªm ze z¨¢kladn¨ªch krit¨¦ri¨ª hodnocen¨ª efektivity dlouhodobych interven n¨ªch pohybovych program je analyza adherence ¨² astn¨ªk ke cvi en¨ª. C¨ªLE: C¨ªlem t¨¦to studie bylo analyzovat adherenci souboru en k estim¨§s¨ª n¨ªmu programu dance aerobiku a step aerobiku. METODIKA: Skupinu tvo ilo 47 en ve v¨§ku od 40 do 65 let (47,32 ¡À 5,38 let), kter¨¦ cvi ily t ikr¨¢t tydn¨§ po dobu 6 m¨§s¨ªc . K analyze adherence byla pou ita metoda z¨¢znamov¨¦ho (prezen n¨ªho) listu ¨² asti frekventantek a odpov¨§di na dv¨§ ot¨¢zky z anketn¨ªho listu. VYSLEDKY: Pr m¨§rn¨¢ hodnota adherence cel¨¦ho souboru k pohybov¨¦mu interven n¨ªmu programu byla 70,4 %. Prvn¨ª ty i m¨§s¨ªce pohybov¨¦ho interven n¨ªho programu pr m¨§rn¨¦ hodnoty souboru postupn¨§ klesaly od 85,4 % do 68,4 % a posledn¨ª dva m¨§s¨ªce se pr m¨§ry doch¨¢zky st¨¢le sni ovaly a pod hranici 60 %, p i em v porovn¨¢n¨ª s ostatn¨ªmi m¨§s¨ªci byly tyto rozd¨ªly statisticky i v¨§cn¨§ vyznamn¨¦. Z¨¢V¨§RY: P ¨ª iny rozd¨ªln¨¦, pop . klesaj¨ªc¨ª adherence en k interven n¨ªmu po %K lifestyle %K physical activity %K aerobics %K intervention program %K motivation %U http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/215