%0 Journal Article %T O ※her車ico cinema portugu那s§ : 1930-1950 %A Carla Patr赤cia Silva Ribeiro %J Revista da Faculdade de Letras : Historia %D 2011 %I Universidade do Porto %X The decades of the thirties and forties of the portuguese twentieth century are, within the rather irregular path of national cinema, the era of greater regularity. Indeed, it was this interwar period which saw considerable development of national cinematic life. This proved to be a dynamic time, both in terms of production, with the advent of sound films and national producers and their studios, both as regards to consumption, with the proliferation of cinemas; there was still the advent of magazines, like Kino, Imagem or Cin谷filo, and the emergence of important portuguese filmmakers 每 Ant車nio Lopes Ribeiro, Leit o de Barros, Jorge Brum do Canto, Chianca Garcia 每 producing relevant cinematographic works. Therefore, this article aims to present the national cinematographic project, enabling a clearer understanding of its development, in the period of construction of Estado Novo %K Portuguese cinematographic project %K Estado Novo %K state conditioning/ dependency %U http://ler.letras.up.pt/uploads/ficheiros/9246.pdf