%0 Journal Article %T Present attitudes of physical education students towards future employment in their profession [Sou asn¨¦ n¨¢zory student t¨§lesn¨¦ vychovy na jejich budouc¨ª zam¨§stn¨¢n¨ª v t¨¦to profesi] %A Eligiusz Madejski %A Gra£¿yna Kosiba %A Magdalena Majer %J Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis : Gymnica %D 2010 %I Palacky University %X OBJECTIVE: The aim of the research was to examine empirically the attitudes of physical education students towards their future profession in physical culture and some of their considerations about the choice of their field of study and their opinion about the course of studies. METHODS: The research embraced physical education students studying at the Academy of Physical Education in Cracow. The research took place in two stages (May 2005 and 2008). The first part involved first year students (N = 162), the second the same students then being fourth year students, but only those, who passed all semesters on time (N = 103). The students' attitudes towards their future profession were examined by means of a questionnaire worked out by Grabowski and Skrzypiec. RESULTS: For 45.6% of our respondents the choice of their field of study and prospective profession was determined by positive factors. More than half of the tested students (51.6%) chose physical education as their field of study because of their interests and passion. Salary, stability and terms of work are also significant factors. More than half of the respondents declare their willingness to work in their profession after graduation. CONCLUSIONS: From among the values preferred while choosing the physical educator's profession, passion was the main choice of the respondents, regardless of gender. The fact that their studies' positive influence on the respondents' attitudes towards their future profession decrease clearly between the first and the last year of studies, is alarming. It would be advisable to do more detailed research in other schools to verify the educational system and the practical preparation of prospective physical education teachers. [C¨ªLE: C¨ªlem vyzkumu bylo empiricky posoudit n¨¢zory student t¨§lesn¨¦ vychovy na jejich budouc¨ª zam¨§stn¨¢n¨ª v t¨§lesn¨¦ vychov¨§ a n¨§kter¨¦ z d vod , pro si vybrali tento studijn¨ª obor, a jejich n¨¢zory na pr b¨§h studia. METODIKA: Vyzkum se zabyval studenty t¨§lesn¨¦ vychovy na Akademii t¨§lesn¨¦ vychovy v Krakov¨§. Vyzkum se konal ve dvou f¨¢z¨ªch (kv¨§ten 2005 a 2008). Prvn¨ª ¨¢st zahrnovala studenty prvn¨ªch ro n¨ªk (N = 162), druh¨¢ pak tyt¨¦ studenty ve tvrt¨¦m roce studia, ale pouze ty, kte ¨ª splnili sv¨¦ studijn¨ª povinnosti (N = 103). N¨¢zory student na jejich budouc¨ª profesi byly zkoum¨¢ny pomoc¨ª dotazn¨ªku, jeho autory jsou Grabowski a Skrzypiec. VYSLEDKY: U 45,6 % respondent byl vyb¨§r studijn¨ªho oboru a potenci¨¢ln¨ª profese determinov¨¢n pozitivn¨ªmi faktory. V¨ªce ne polovina zkoumanych student (51,6 %) si t¨§lesnou vychovu jako sv j studijn¨ª obor vybrala %K Motives %K studies %K teachers' profession %U http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/182