%0 Journal Article %T How to overcome difficulties in the preoperative evaluation of gastric tumors? Optimization techniques of the study and the applications of 64-detector computed tomography Jak pokona trudno ci w przedoperacyjnej ocenie nowotwor¨®w o dka? Optymalizacja techniki badania oraz zastosowanie 64-rz dowej tomografii komputerowej %A Krzysztof Mi£¿dzybrodzki %A Marian Ko£¿odziej %A Miros£¿aw Czy£¿ak %A Marek S£¿siadek %J Polish Gastroenterology %D 2011 %I %X Developement of the multidetector computer tomography technique (MDCT) enabled the improvement in stomach visualization. However the basic scanning protocol and oral positive contrast medium do not provide satisfactory imaging of gastric cancer. It is feasible when water is used as oral contrast medium (CT hydrography) and the study with scanning delay typical for late arterial phase is performed. The aim of this work was to present the usefulness of modified own technique of CT hydrography for 64-slice multidetector computed tomography units, which provides more precise staging of gastric tumors comparable to endoscopic ultrasonography. CT criteria for staging of gastric tumors were shown. %K gastric tumors %K multidetector computed tomography %K CT hydrography %K scanning protocol %K nowotwory o dka %K wielorz dowa tomografia komputerowa %K hydrografia TK %K technika badania %U http://cornetis.pl/pliki/GP/2011/2/GP_2011_2_72.pdf