%0 Journal Article %T A new view on the quality of Jac¨ªk's test [Novy pohled na kvalitu Jac¨ªkova testu] %A Roman Cuberek %A Ale£¿ Jakubec %A Karel H£¿lka %A Michal Botek %J Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis : Gymnica %D 2012 %I Palacky University %X BACKGROUND: A self-assessment of physical fitness requires a search for motor tests which do not make high material, spatial and skill demands necessary for tests' realization. In this manner, Jac¨ªk's test (JT) appears to be an appropriate one. Nevertheless, existing information about the test quality is not complete. Based on the motion content of this test, the test performance can be considered to be determined by the level of aerobic fitness. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to assess the reliability of JT and to determine degree of influence of aerobic fitness on JT performance. METHODS: Eighty four PE university students completed the study: 43 female (participated in the validity study; 22.2 ¡À 2.0 yr; BMI = 23.2 ¡À 2.5 kg/m2; JT performance = 79.1 ¡À 9.2 points; VO2max = 44.6 ¡À 4.7 ml/kg/min) and 41 males (participated in the reliability study; 21.5 ¡À 1.2 yr; BMI = 25.2 ¡À 1.6 kg/m2; JT performance = 83.9 ¡À 8.2 points in the first trial and 87.5 ¡À 9.1 points in the second trial respectively). The degree of influence of aerobic fitness on the performance in JT is expressed as association between the performance in JT and VO2max estimation (measured by Maximal exercise test realized on a treadmill). The objectivity and the relative reliability of JT are expressed by ICC. Characteristics SEM and Bland-Altman's 95% limits of agreement were computed to assess absolute reliability of JT. RESULTS: A little of shared variability of JT and VO2max respectively was found out (only 13.3%). ICCinter-raters = 0.997 indicates a high degree of objectivity (inter-rater reliability). The result of ICCinter-trials = 0.790 points to a 'questionable' relative reliability. The systematic error of measurement equals to 3.54 points. Both SEM (3.96 points) and Bland-Altman's 95% limits of agreement (-9.2, 16.3) point out to the unsatisfactory degree of absolute reliability. CONCLUSION: Mainly due to the low degree of the test's reliability (both relative and absolute), JT is not an accurate tool for assessing physical fitness in PE university students. The interpretation of testing results could be misleading. [VYCHODISKA: Sebehodnocen¨ª t¨§lesn¨¦ zdatnosti vy aduje hledat motorick¨¦ testy, kter¨¦ nekladou vysok¨¦ materi¨¢ln¨ª, prostorov¨¦ ani dovednostn¨ª n¨¢roky na jejich proveden¨ª. Jac¨ªk v test (JT) se v tomto ohledu jev¨ª jako velice vyhodny. Dosavadn¨ª poznatky o vlastnostech tohoto testu v ak nejsou ¨²pln¨¦. Vzhledem k pohybov¨¦ n¨¢plni JT lze p edpokl¨¢dat, e vykon v tomto testu bude do ur it¨¦ m¨ªry podm¨ªn¨§n tak¨¦ ¨²rovn¨ª aerobn¨ª zdatnosti. C¨ªLE: C¨ªlem studie je posoudit reliabilitu J %K motor tests %K PE students %K reliability %K self-assessment %K validity %K VO2max %U http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/280