%0 Journal Article %T Bone mineral density and accelerometer-determined habitual physical activity and inactivity in postmenopausal women [Kostn¨ª denzita a habitu¨¢ln¨ª pohybov¨¢ aktivita a inaktivita u postmenopauz¨¢ln¨ªch en] %A Jana Pelclov¨¢ %A Ale£¿ G¨¢ba %A Ond£¿ej Kapu£¿ %J Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis : Gymnica %D 2011 %I Palacky University %X BACKGROUND: In postmenopausal women, physical activity appears to be important in preventing loss of bone mineral density (BMD) and osteoporosis and thus contributes to the reduction of fracture risk. OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the differences in habitual physical activity, physical inactivity and meeting physical activity recommendations between women with normal femoral BMD and women with osteopenia. METHODS: Out of the ninety-two postmenopausal women analyzed in this study, 72.8% women had normal femoral BMD and 27.2% women were osteopenic. Their BMD and body composition were measured using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. The region of interest was the total proximal femur. Seven days of physical activity were objectively assessed by using the ActiGraph GT1M accelerometer. Daily activity and inactivity logs were used for the participants to self-record their times (minutes) when the accelerometer was worn and follow activity and inactivity patterns. RESULTS: Women with normal BMD spent significantly more hours/day being active than women with osteopenia. On theother hand, women with osteopenia perform significantly more household-related PA. According to the physical inactivity analysis, women with osteopenia spent significantly more minutes/week while doing different mental activities (reading, doing crossword puzzles, etc.) in a sitting position than women with normal BMD. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the results of this study show the differences in physical activity and physical inactivity in women with different femoral BMD. [VYCHODISKA: U postmenopauz¨¢ln¨ªch en je pohybov¨¢ aktivita d le it¨¢ jako prevence ¨²bytku kostn¨ª denzity a osteopor¨®zy a p isp¨ªv¨¢ tak ke sn¨ª ov¨¢n¨ª rizika zlomenin. C¨ªLE: C¨ªlem t¨¦to pr ezov¨¦ studie bylo zji t¨§n¨ª, zda existuj¨ª rozd¨ªly v habitu¨¢ln¨ª pohybov¨¦ aktivit¨§, pohybov¨¦ inaktivit¨§ a v pln¨§n¨ª doporu en¨ª k pohybov¨¦ aktivit¨§ mezi enami s norm¨¢ln¨ª femor¨¢ln¨ª denzitou a enami s osteopeni¨ª. METODIKA: Z 92 en, jejich vysledky byly zahrnuty do t¨¦to studie, bylo v p¨¢smu norm¨¢ln¨ªch hodnot T-sk¨®re proxim¨¢ln¨ªho femuru 72,8 % en a u 27,2 % en dosahovaly hodnoty T-sk¨®re osteopenie. Denzitometrick¨¦ vy et en¨ª proxim¨¢ln¨ªho femuru, stejn¨§ tak diagnostika vybranych t¨§lesnych slo ek, byla uskute n¨§na metodou du¨¢ln¨ª rentgenov¨¦ absorpciometrie (DXA). Sedmidenn¨ª pohybov¨¢ aktivita byla monitorov¨¢na pomoc¨ª p ¨ªstroje ActiGraph GT1M. ¨²daje o denn¨ªch aktivit¨¢ch a inaktivit¨¢ch a asu, kdy byl p ¨ªstroj no en, byly probandy zapisov¨¢ny do speci¨¢ln¨ªch z¨¢znamovych arch . VYSLEDKY: eny s norm¨¢ln¨ª femor¨¢ln¨ª denzitou by %K Osteopenia %K dual x-ray absorptiometry %K accelerometer %K sitting %K household-related physical activity. %U http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/308