%0 Journal Article %T Effects of a school-based intervention program for adolescents with a special focus on the overweight/obese population [Efekty koln¨ªho interven n¨ªho programu pro adolescenty se zam¨§ en¨ªm na populaci s nadv¨¢hou/obezitou] %A Michal Kudl¨¢£¿ek %A Lisa Carla James %J Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis : Gymnica %D 2011 %I Palacky University %X BACKGROUND: Obesity has become a pandemic, with more than a billion people affected worldwide. During the past two decades, the prevalence of obesity in children has risen greatly throughout the entire world. This is especially alarming in youth where the new prevalence is above predicted trends. OBJECTIVE: This study was aimed at providing an intervention program for adolescents in the category of overweight/obese in accordance with physical activity (PA) guidelines. The total duration of the project was 8 weeks. The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of the intervention and promote lifelong participation in physical activities. METHODS: The research sample was made up of high school students chosen in accordance with selected criteria of BMI between 25 ¡Ý 35.5 (n = 27). Data was collected from the participants through the use of questionnaires, internet, and pedometers, as well as objective measurements of height, fat and BMI using the Tanita Body Composition Analyzer. RESULTS: Results showed that there was no reduction in BMI. There was also an increase in the amount of vigorous activity and number of steps throughout the intervention. The logical significance of 240 METminutes per week was seen in their study, whereas in our study we noticed a four times greater increase with 957 METminutes per week, and logical significance in all areas. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion it was noted that increased activity reduces a sedentary lifestyle, while it improved social, mental and health status. In addition, our data indicate that sedentary behaviors are strongly related to overweight/obesity in adolescents. It also demonstrates that the type of model implemented with the intervention must reflect a holistic role and activities must critically reflect the interest and preferences of the participants, so that motivation to proceed is strong and conditions for adherence could be set up. [VYCHODISKA: Z obesity se stala pandemie, kter¨¢ celosv¨§tov¨§ ovliv¨¾uje p es miliardu lid¨ª. Prevalence obezity za posledn¨ªch dvacet let dramaticky stoupla, a to celosv¨§tov¨§. Tento fakt je obzvl¨¢ t¨§ alarmuj¨ªc¨ª u ml¨¢de e, kde se statistiky prevalence dost¨¢vaj¨ª nad predikovan¨¦ trendy. C¨ªLE: Tato studie byla zam¨§ ena na sestaven¨ª z¨¢kladn¨ªho interven n¨ªho programu pohybov¨¦ aktivity (PA) pro adolescenty, spadaj¨ªc¨ª do kategorie nadv¨¢ha/obesity. Celkov¨¢ d¨¦lka programu byla 8 tydn . Tvorba programu prob¨§hla v souladu s ofici¨¢ln¨ªmi doporu en¨ªmi pro pohybovou aktivitu. ¨² elem studie bylo ohodnocen¨ª efektivity intervence a podpora celo ivotn¨ª ¨² asti participant na pohybov¨¦ aktivit¨§. ME %K obesity %K preferences %K interests %K physical activity %K physical education %K lifestyle changes %U http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/246