%0 Journal Article %T Two ways of conceiving time in sports [Dva zp soby poj¨ªm¨¢n¨ª asu ve sportu] %A Irena Mart¨ªnkov¨¢ %A Jim Parry %J Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis : Gymnica %D 2011 %I Palacky University %X BACKGROUND: This paper explores a foundational concept for our understanding of sport - the concept of time. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to explain two different concepts of time in sport. METHODS: Our methodology is philosophical, involving both conceptual and phenomenological analysis and the application of the outcomes to sports practice. RESULTS: First, two concepts of time and their role in sport are discussed - time as linear, measurable, homogeneous and objective; and time as discussed in the philosophy of existence, namely in the work of Martin Heidegger, in which he introduces the concept of "original temporality". Second, sports are classified into four different groups depending on the role of time in them, and basic characterisations of each are worked out. While within the first three groups the concept of objective time is salient, a suggestion is made regarding the potential of the fourth group, which includes high risk sports, for the realisation of original temporality. CONCLUSIONS: The two concepts of time presented in this paper explain the basis of sport and show its relationship to the human experiencing of sport activities. The text shows that the concept of objective time is necessary for the practice of some sports, whilst other sports use it rather in a secondary way, e. g. for the comparison of winners. Original temporality as a basis of human experiencing is present in all sports. While in most of them it is limited by objective time, in some sports (especially in high risk sports) the possibility of the realization of original temporality is opened. [VYCHODISKA: Text se zabyv¨¢ jedn¨ªm ze z¨¢kladn¨ªch pojm ve sportu - pojmem asu. C¨ªLE: C¨ªlem textu je vysv¨§tlit dv¨§ r zn¨¢ pojet¨ª asu ve sportu. METODIKA: Na e metoda je filosofick¨¢ a zahrnuje pojmovou a fenomenologickou analyzu a aplikaci vysledk do sportovn¨ª praxe. VYSLEDKY: Nejprve jsou diskutov¨¢ny dva pojmy asu a jejich role ve sportu - pojet¨ª asu jako to line¨¢rn¨ªho, m¨§ iteln¨¦ho, homogenn¨ªho a objektivn¨ªho a as v pod¨¢n¨ª filosofie existence, zvl¨¢ t¨§ v pojet¨ª Martina Heideggera, ktery p edstavuje pojem "p vodn¨ª asovost". Pot¨¦ jsou sporty rozd¨§leny do ty r znych skupin v z¨¢vislosti na roli, kterou v nich hraje as, a jsou rozpracov¨¢ny jejich z¨¢kladn¨ª charakteristiky. Zat¨ªmco v r¨¢mci prvn¨ªch t ¨ª skupin se ukazuje d le itost objektivn¨ªho asu, tvrt¨¢ skupina sport , kter¨¢ zahrnuje vysoce rizikov¨¦ sporty, poukazuje k mo nosti realizace p vodn¨ª asovosti. Z¨¢V¨§RY: V textu jsou p edstavena dv¨§ pojet¨ª asu, kter¨¢ vysv¨§tluj¨ª z¨¢klad sportu a kter¨¢ jsou vzta ena k lidsk %K Time %K sport %K regulation %K experiencing %K Heidegger %K original temporality %U http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/251