%0 Journal Article %T Physical culture as a part of civil society [T¨§lesn¨¢ kultura jako sou ¨¢st ob ansk¨¦ spole nosti] %A Bohuslav Hoda¨¾ %J Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis : Gymnica %D 2010 %I Palacky University %X BACKGROUND: The principle issue is that of the characteristics of civil society, its relationship to the state, and the understanding of physical culture as a part of civil society. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to explain the position of physical culture as a part of civil society and all socio-political problems connected with it. RESULTS: The principle part is devoted to differences in physical education, movement (physical-exercise) recreation and sport from the point of view of the part they play in civil society. It is stated that there is not a problem with physical education being a part of the school curriculum, because its presence there is guaranteed by the state. Furthermore, the problems of relationships between movement recreation and civil society, respectively between sport and civil society are described. These problems are addressed from the point of view of social benefit and they are understood at various levels. In conclusion, there are notes concerning volunteerism as a very important aspect of the activities executed within the framework of physical culture. CONCLUSIONS: From the results described in the paper we can conclude that physical culture is, with its sociopolitical consequences, a very important part of civil society. That conclusion is important from the point of view of understanding its sense. [VYCHODISKA: Hlavn¨ªm probl¨¦mem je charakteristika ob ansk¨¦ spole nosti, jej¨ª vazby na st¨¢t a pochopen¨ª t¨§lesn¨¦ kultury jako slo ky ob ansk¨¦ spole nosti. C¨ªLE: C¨ªlem tohoto sd¨§len¨ª je vysv¨§tlen¨ª postaven¨ª t¨§lesn¨¦ kultury jako ¨¢sti ob ansk¨¦ spole nosti a v ech jej¨ªch socio-politickych probl¨¦m s t¨ªm spojenych. VYSLEDKY: Hlavn¨ª ¨¢st je zam¨§ ena na rozd¨ªlnosti t¨§lesn¨¦ vychovy, pohybov¨¦ (t¨§locvi n¨¦) rekreace a sportu z hlediska jejich ¨² asti na ob ansk¨¦ spole nosti. Je konstatov¨¢no, e nen¨ª probl¨¦m s t¨§lesnou vychovou jako ¨¢st¨ª koln¨ªho vzd¨§l¨¢n¨ª, pon¨§vad ta je garantov¨¢na st¨¢tem. D¨¢le jsou popisov¨¢ny probl¨¦my vztah mezi pohybovou rekreac¨ª a ob anskou spole nost¨ª, resp. sportem a ob anskou spole nost¨ª. Tyto probl¨¦my jsou e eny z hlediska ve ejn¨¦ho prosp¨§chu a jsou ch¨¢p¨¢ny v r znych ¨²rovn¨ªch. V z¨¢v¨§ru jsou pozn¨¢mky tykaj¨ªc¨ª se dobrovolnictv¨ª jako velmi vyznamn¨¦ho aspektu aktivit realizovanych v r¨¢mci t¨§lesn¨¦ kultury. Z¨¢V¨§RY: Z pr¨¢ce vyplyv¨¢, e t¨§lesn¨¢ kultura je se svymi socio-politickymi konsekvencemi velmi vyznamnou sou ¨¢st¨ª ob ansk¨¦ spole nosti. Tento z¨¢v¨§r je vyznamny z hlediska pochopen¨ª jej¨ªho smyslu.] %K physical education %K recreation %K sport %K social benefit %K volunteerism %U http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/217