%0 Journal Article %T The influence of early intervention movement programs on motor skills development in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder (case studies) [Vliv ranych interven n¨ªch pohybovych program na rozvoj motorickych dovednost¨ª u d¨§t¨ª p ed koln¨ªho v¨§ku s poruchou autistick¨¦ho spektra (p ¨ªpadov¨¢ studie)] %A Milica Duronji£¿ %A Hana V¨¢lkov¨¢ %J Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis : Gymnica %D 2010 %I Palacky University %X OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to assess the motor skills performance of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder after eight weeks of physical activity intervention. METHODS: Participants included 5 children, 4 male and 1 female, from 62 to 81 months old, who were attending the identical special kindergarten. Both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the children's performance were examined. With regards to the quantitative examination, participants were measured using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (Henderson & Sugden, 1992). Qualitative results were obtained through personal observation. Each motor skills intervention program continued for eight weeks, and children were tested in both pre and post intervention phases. RESULTS: Over the course of the intervention, four of the participants improved their motor skills, while one did not. CONCLUSIONS: This study concluded that even preschool children with autism can improve their motor and social skills if they are involved in a physical activity at least twice a week. The physical activity program could improve their motor and social skills which could help them in their future development. [C¨ªLE: ¨² elem p edlo en¨¦ studie bylo zhodnotit motorick¨¦ dovednosti p ed koln¨ªch d¨§t¨ª s poruchami v autistick¨¦m spektru po osmitydenn¨ªm interven n¨ªm programu. METODIKA: Experimentu se z¨² astnilo 5 d¨§t¨ª, 4 chlapci a 1 d¨ªvka ve v¨§ku od 62 do 81 m¨§s¨ªc . V ichni nav t¨§vovali stejnou speci¨¢ln¨ª mate skou kolu. et en¨ª za hrnovalo jak kvantitativn¨ª, tak kvalitativn¨ª aspekty. Kvantitativn¨ª data ¨² astn¨ªk byla m¨§ ena testem M-ABC (Baterie motorick¨¦ho vy et en¨ª d¨§t¨ª) podle Henderson a Sugden (1992), zat¨ªmco kvalitativn¨ª data byla z¨ªsk¨¢na pozorov¨¢n¨ªm. Interven n¨ª pohybovy program trval osm tydn a d¨§ti byly m¨§ eny p ed a po intervenci. VYSLEDKY: ty i d¨§ti po programu vykazovaly zlep en¨ª dovednost¨ª, jedno d¨ªt¨§ nikoliv. Z¨¢V¨§RY: Studie uzav¨ªr¨¢, e i d¨§ti s poruchou v autistick¨¦m spektru mohou dos¨¢hnout zlep en¨ª v motorickych i soci¨¢ln¨ªch dovednostech, pokud jsou za azeny do interven n¨ªho pohybov¨¦ho programu minim¨¢ln¨§ dvakr¨¢t tydn¨§, co m e napomoci jejich dal ¨ªmu rozvoji.] %K Intellectual disability %K motor development %K autism spectrum disorder %K Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC) %K early intervention %U http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/164