%0 Journal Article %T On the rail-based freight corridor between CE and SEE regions and the main obstacles on Romanian territory %A Mihaela POPA %A Conrad SCHMIDT %J Transport Problems : an International Scientific Journal %D 2013 %I Silesian University of Technology %X The project ˇ°Freight and Logistics Advancement in Central/South-EastEurope - Validation of trade and transport processes, Implementation of improvementactions, Application of co-coordinated structuresˇ± (in short - FLAVIA) is carried outunder the Central Europe ¨C Cooperation for Success Programme, cofunded by theEuropean Regional Development Fund. One of the main objectives of FLAVIA project isto consolidate a logistic corridor from Central Europe (CE) to the South-East Europe(SEE) and the Black Sea Region, based on rail and inland waterways intermodaltransport. In this paper we discuss the partial outputs of FLAVIA project, mainly relatedto the identified actual status of rail-based intermodal transport and trade obstacles of thefreight flows on the Romanian territory and the used methodology. Several operationaland long-term measures to improve the trade and intermodal transport are listed,considering the advantages of the geo-strategic potential of Romania location, connectedwith the several improvement directions already considered into the new releasedintermodal strategy. %K FLAVIA project %K intermodal transport corridor %K European transnational fright flows %U http://transportproblems.polsl.pl/pl/Archiwum/2013/zeszyt1/2013t8z1_05.pdf