%0 Journal Article %T Without Economic Rebalancing, There Will Be No Healthy Recovery in EU Countries or in Global Economy %A Octavian-Liviu Olaru %A Livia ¨CIrina Olaru %J Acta Universitatis Danubius : Oeconomica %D 2011 %I Danubius University %X The global economic recovery is advancing. However, the recovery remains uneven, withdownside risks in advanced economies remaining elevated, while overheating risks are growing inemerging economies. Rebalancing, internal and external, continues to be crucial. Without thiseconomic rebalancing, there will be no healthy recovery. The argument is very simple: before thecrisis, growth in many countries came from excessive domestic demand, be it consumption, orhousing investment. This could not go on. Those countries must rely on other sources of demand.Until now, they have used fiscal policy to prop up domestic demand. This was needed, but it is notsustainable. Rebalancing is a complex process. No single measure, no one country holds the solutionon its own. In other words, despite the overall global growth rebound, substantial shifts will beneeded in order to secure the intended goals of strong, sustainable, and balanced global growth.Moreover, the critical role for enhanced global economic and financial policy cooperation is selfevident. %K economic recovery %K rebalancing %K cooperation %U http://journals.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/oeconomica/article/view/1001/832