%0 Journal Article %T Aspects on the Role of the Educational Process in Increasing the Quality of Human Resources at the Level of Public Administration %A Georgeta Dragomir %A Carmen - Marina Dragomir %J Acta Universitatis Danubius : Oeconomica %D 2011 %I Danubius University %X This theme has as necessity the requirements for the public administration staff¡¯seffectiveness, increasing professional performance directly related to policies and strategies forquality assurance in the national education system from Romania, for high and sustained training ofspecialists. We propose the analysis of some interaction directions between higher education and theentities to whom the educational offer addresses, in case of active involvement of higher education inhuman resources from the public administration and administration specialists in education process,aiming at developing the administrative capacity of public, central and local institutions, andintroducing and maintaining the quality standards for public services. %K quality of human resources %K quality of education %K the interaction higher education - public administration %U http://journals.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/oeconomica/article/view/919/793