%0 Journal Article %T Pilot testing of the Czech versions of the Coaching Behavior Assessment Questionnaire structure [Pilotn¨ª testov¨¢n¨ª struktury esk¨¦ verze dotazn¨ªku Coaching Behavior Assessment Questionnaire] %A Veronika Bal¨¢kov¨¢ %A Martin Mus¨¢lek %J Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis : Gymnica %D 2012 %I Palacky University %X BACKGROUND: In the sports environment, the opinion that the leadership style of the coach plays an essential role in achieving team success is generally accepted (Amorose & Horn, 2001). Scott Martin and Kelly Barnes in 1999 created Coaching Behavior Assessment Questionnaire, based on CBAS (Smith et al., 1977) and LSS (Chelladurai & Saleh, 1978, 1980). Currently in the Czech Republic, there is no diagnostic tool that would address the effectiveness of the coach. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this pilot study was to translate and evaluate the structure of CBAQ by method of structural equation modeling for population of children in age 10 - 16. METHODS: For translation of the questionnaire we utilized a modified direct translation method (Behling & Law, 2000). A total of 100 participants age 10 to 16, female 63 (mean age 13.02, SD = 2.10), male 37 (mean age 13.27, SD = 1.37) completed the CBAQ. For data analysis we applied both exploratory and confirmation factor analysis approaches. RESULTS: The original model was tested to verify the structural theory and diagnosis quality of this tool. Results of the original CBAQ 12-factor model showed poor fit of the underaverage values RMSEA on the level 0.082, CFI on the level 0.600 and lack coefficients of generic reliability. After reanalyzing the data we established a modified 5-factor structure of CBAQ. This 5-factor model with restricted numbers of items gave the best values of fit RMSEA = 0.056, CFI = 0.964 and acceptable values of generic reliability. CONCLUSIONS: This study had pilot character and we were aware of problems with loosing information due to very restricted numbers of items in modified version, however it is suggested that final 5-factor version with 15 items could made basis for future full standardized Czech version of CBAQ. [VYCHODISKA: Ve sportovn¨ªm prost ed¨ª je obecn¨§ uzn¨¢v¨¢n n¨¢zor, e tren¨¦r hraje d le itou roli p i dosahov¨¢n¨ª tymov¨¦ho ¨²sp¨§chu (Amorose & Horn, 2011). Scott Martin a Kelly Barnes vytvo ili v roce 1999 dotazn¨ªk Coaching Behavior Assessment Questionnaire, ktery vych¨¢z¨ª z CBAS (Smith a kol., 1977) a LSS (Chelladurai & Saleh, 1978, 1980). V sou asn¨¦ dob¨§ nen¨ª v esk¨¦ republice podobny diagnosticky n¨¢stroj pro hodnocen¨ª chov¨¢n¨ª tren¨¦ra. C¨ªLE: C¨ªlem t¨¦to pilotn¨ª studie bylo p elo it a ohodnotit strukturu dotazn¨ªku CBAQ metodou struktur¨¢ln¨ªho modelov¨¢n¨ª pro populaci d¨§t¨ª ve v¨§ku 10 ¨C 16 let. METODIKA: Pro ¨² el p ekladu dotazn¨ªku byla pou ita modifikovan¨¢ metoda p ¨ªm¨¦ho p ekladu (Behling & Law, 2000). Dotazn¨ªk vyplnilo 100 ¨² astn¨ªk ve v¨§ku 10 ¨C 16 let, 63 d¨§v at (pr m¨§rny v¨§k 13,02; SD %K Behavior of coach %K cross cultural validation %K face-validity %K content validity %K structural equation modeling %K reliability %U http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/321