%0 Journal Article %T Adherence to physical activity in patients with coronary artery disease [Adherence k pohybov¨¦ aktivit¨§ u pacient s kardiovaskul¨¢rn¨ªm onemocn¨§n¨ªm] %A Veronika Drbo£¿alov¨¢ %A Pavel Stejskal %A Jan Bajorek %A Eli£¿ka Sovov¨¢ %J Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis : Gymnica %D 2010 %I Palacky University %X OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the adherence to a physical activity (PA) in an annual interventional programme of domiciliary rehabilitation designed for patients with coronary artery disease. METHODS: The final group consisted of 20 patients (4 women and 16 men) from the 1st Internal Department - University Hospital of Olomouc. The mean age of patients was 61.95 ¡À 11.02 years. They were split into three groups in accordance with the method of monitoring PA. Group 1 (G1) used a pedometer, group 2 (G2) used a heart rate monitor and group 3 (G3) used both types of equipment simultaneously. Patients recorded the number of steps, the duration of the exercise (G1 and G3) or the average heart rate (G2 and G3), entering this information into the archive system. The checking of monitored indicators took place after 3, 6 and 12 months. RESULTS: The adherence to the programme varied a lot (60-360 days). The results showed that the lowest one was in the case of patients from G1 and the highest one was in the third group of patients. Only 2 patients from group G3 managed to finish the programme (10% of the total number). We found no statistically significant difference between the groups in any of the quality indicators of a physical activity (number of steps, duration of the exercise, estimate of the weekly caloric output and total caloric output during exercise). CONCLUSIONS: Using a pedometer has seemed to be an easy way to monitor the amount of a physical activity. Low adherence to the programme results from a fixation on a sedentary lifestyle, as well as from psychological and social causes. [C¨ªLE: C¨ªlem studie bylo zhodnotit adherenci k pohybov¨¦ aktivit¨§ (PA) v r¨¢mci ro n¨ªho interven n¨ªho programu dom¨¢c¨ª rehabilitace u pacient po infarktu myokardu. METODIKA: Kone ny soubor tvo ilo 20 pacient (4 eny a 16 mu ) preventivn¨ª kardiologie Fakultn¨ª nemocnice Olomouc s koronarograficky prok¨¢zanou ischemickou chorobou srde n¨ª ve v¨§ku 61,95 ¡À 11,02 let. Podle metodiky kontroly PA byli pacienti rozd¨§leni do t ¨ª skupin. Skupina 1 (G1) pou ¨ªvala krokom¨§r, skupina 2 (G2) monitor srde n¨ª frekvence a skupina 3 (G3) oba p ¨ªstroje sou asn¨§. Pacienti zapisovali po et krok , trv¨¢n¨ª cvi en¨ª (G1 a G3) nebo pr m¨§rnou srde n¨ª frekvenci (G2 a G3) do z¨¢znamovych arch . Kontrola sledovanych laboratorn¨ªch a klinickych ukazatel prob¨ªhala po 3, 6 a 12 m¨§s¨ªc¨ªch. VYSLEDKY: Adherence k programu byla velmi variabiln¨ª (60-360 dn¨ª), nejni ¨ª byla u pacient skupiny G2 a nejvy ¨ª ve skupin¨§ G3. Program dokon ili pouze dva pacienti ze skupiny G3 (10 % z celkov¨¦ho po tu inter %K aerobic exercise %K pedometer %K heart rate monitor %K motivation %U http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/218