%0 Journal Article %T 69 Ecotourism - the Main Form of Tourism Exploitation of Protected Natural Areas %A Anca Turtureanu %A Cornelia Tureac %A Bogdan Andronic %A Alexandra Ivan %J Acta Universitatis Danubius : Oeconomica %D 2011 %I Danubius University %X The ecotourism has a significant role in the economic development of this zones or regionsas tourist attractions. The most important positive contributions refers to the state revenue generatedby tourist spending and export / import of goods complementary for receiving countries, and the boostof investment in various sectors, so the multiplier effect of tourism by contributing to the economicprosperity of the country. Tourist activities carried out under the banner of ecotourism offeropportunities specific to the local population and tourist industry is forced to use natural resources ina sustainable manner and to assess the valuable natural and cultural objectives. As reflected in thevarious views reflected in literature, ecotourism is also an industry in the tourist market, designed tomeet the special travel needs. Because these approaches can be considered ecotourism and tourismmarket segment, having a common language with cultural and rural tourism, as demonstratedpreviously. Originally designed as an alternative to mass tourism, ecotourism is materialized as asolution to combat negative effects and minimize impacts on natural ecosystems. %K ecotourism %K protected natural areas %K form of tourism %U http://journals.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/oeconomica/article/view/887/772