%0 Journal Article %T Um suplemento entre dois mundos : Causas e consequ¨ºncias da transi o papel/digital do DN Jovem %A Helena de Sousa Freitas %J Revista da Faculdade de Letras : Sociologia %D 2012 %I Universidade do Porto %X The DN Jovem, a supplement that the Portuguese newspaper Di¨¢rio de Not¨ªcias (DN) began publishing in May 1983, quickly became a showcase for new prose writers, poets, photographers and illustrators. In June 1996, when access to the Internet didn¡¯t even reach one percent of Portuguese homes, its contents migrated from print to online. The transition, determined by the Administration of DN within a newspaper¡¯s restructuring, announced the death of a supplement that was, according to Portuguese writer Jos¨¦ Jorge Letria, ¡°the most important spot for the revelation and affirmation of new literary values¡± in democratic Portugal. %U http://ler.letras.up.pt/uploads/ficheiros/10762.pdf