%0 Journal Article %T DEPOSITION OF NICKEL ON CARBON FIBRES BY GALVANIC METHOD %A Pavol £¿tef¨¢nik %A £¿tefan Kavecky %A Karol I£¿dinsky %J Materials Engineering %D 2012 %I Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univerzity of Zilina %X The investigation of coating parameters in quasi-static coating of Ni layer on carbon fibre tow by galvanic method is presented. The tow of fibres was immersed in typical galvanic bath based on NiSO4, NiCl2, Na2SO4 and H3BO3 and current to carbon fibres was supplied by two leading metal rolls which are parts of continuous coating apparatus. The main parameters were current of 1 A, electrolyte temperature of 50 ¡ãC and the distance from power contacts to level of galvanic bath (8 or 13 cm). The amount and structure of deposited Ni layer at coating time 15 and 90 seconds of exposure in electrolyte and depth of immersion of tow into bath were discussed. %K Galvanic Coating %K Carbon Fibres %K Nickel %U http://fstroj.uniza.sk/journal-mi/PDF/2012/05-2012.pdf