%0 Journal Article %T Karst groundwaters vulnerability assessment methods %A Marius Vlaicu %A Cristian-Mihai Munteanu %J Travaux de l'Institut de Speologie Emile Racovitza %D 2008 %I Editura Academiei Romane %X A major socio-economic and scientific issue is represented by karst hydrostructures vulnerability mapping, which qualitatively and quantitatively highlights their exposure degree. Two research trends have been developed, one taking into account the environment features exclusively ¨C the aquifer and protective cover type, permeability, aquifer depth, recharge rate, etc. (intrinsic vulnerability), the other focused on the types and quantities of pollutants (specific vulnerability). MAGIERA (2000) described and compared 69 methods, grouped in 5 types: hydrogeological complex and setting methods, index models and analogical relations (AF, AVI, Ekv, Ś¤hTĄŻ), parametric system models (DRASTIC, DWSAP, SINTACS, EPPNA, GOD, EPIK, REKS, PI, GSI, GLA), mathematical models (VULK, FAVA) and statistical methods (CALVUL). However, it is also possible to classify the methods on the basis of other criteria, such as scale (local, regional, national), aim (land use planning, protection zoning, site assessment) and target (source or resource vulnerability). %K karst groundwaters %K vulnerability %K assessment methods %U http://www.speotravaux.iser.ro/08/art06.pdf