%0 Journal Article %T Ownership Concentration, Top Management and Board Compensation %A Marcos Barbosa Pinto %A Ricardo Pereira Camara Leal %J Revista de Administra£¿£¿o Contemporanea %D 2013 %I ANPAD - Associa??o Nacional dos Programas de P¨®s-gradua??o em Administra??o %X The degree of ownership concentration may influence executive and board compensation (Bebchuk & Fried, 2003). This article analyzes this relationship. Detailed information about top management and board compensation became available starting in 2010 through new Securities Commission filings. Linear regression models applied to a sample of 315 Brazilian companies traded on the national exchange indicate a negative and statistically significant economic correlation between executive compensation and the degree of ownership concentration. Ceteris paribus, companies with a lower degree of ownership concentration pay higher compensation to top executives. Family controlled companies pay more to their chief executive, but not to the managerial team as a whole, and the compensation of directors increases with a greater proportion of control group members or their relatives on the board. There was support for the Managerial Power Hypothesis in companies with a lower degree of ownership concentration and for the extraction of private benefits in companies where it is greater. %K executive compensation %K ownership concentration %K corporate governance %K agency costs %K managerial power hypothesis. %U http://www.anpad.org.br/periodicos/arq_pdf/a_1394.pdf