%0 Journal Article %T A New Conceptual Model for Business Ecosystem Visualization and Analysis %A Luiz Felipe Hupsel Vaz %A Antonio Roberto Ramos Nogueira %A Marco Aur¨¦lio de Souza Rodrigues %A Paula Castro Pires de Souza Chimenti %J Revista de Administra£¿£¿o Contemporanea %D 2013 %I ANPAD - Associa??o Nacional dos Programas de P¨®s-gradua??o em Administra??o %X This study has the objective of plotting the effects of network externalities and superstar software for the visualization and analysis of industry ecosystems. The output is made possible by gathering sales from a tracking website, associating each sale to a single consumer and by using a network visualization software. The result is a graph that shows strategic positioning of publishers and platforms, serving as a strategic tool for both academics and professionals. The approach is scalable to other industries and can be used to support analysis on mergers, acquisitions and alliances. %K business ecosystem %K network analysis %K videogame industry %K competitive intelligence %K platformmediated markets. %U http://www.anpad.org.br/periodicos/arq_pdf/a_1371.pdf