%0 Journal Article %T Imagens de congado - uma experi那ncia visual em antropologia %A Jos谷 da Silva Ribeiro %J IC : Revista Cient赤fica de Informaci車n y Comunicaci車n %D 2010 %I University of Seville %X O objectivo principal desta investiga o 谷 constatar as altera es que os novos meios trazem para a investiga o em antropologia e as experimentar a partir deste ritual. Partimos de experi那ncias e refer那ncias te車ricas que apontam ao facto de que os &novos meios* superem a desconfian a ou as cr赤ticas recorrentes 角 antropologia visual para a abertura de novas propostas, como a &hiperescenograf赤a do real*. Todo isso 谷 resultado de um trabalho interdisciplinar e intercultural de aproxima o de duas pr芍ticas 每antropologia visual e hipermedia; e de 芍reas disciplinares: antropologia, comunica o e semi車tica- e de dois grupos de investiga o: o Laborat車rio de Antropologia visual da Universidade Aberta e o N迆cleo de Investiga o em Hipermedia da Pontificia Universidade Cat車lica de S o Paulo. The main aim of this research is to clarify the changes that the new media have introduced in anthropological research and to test them on this basis. Using experiences and theoretical references as a starting point, these point to the fact that the &new media* will overcome the distrust and insistent critiques concerning visual anthropology for launching new proposals, such as &hyperscenography or the real*. All this is the result of a transcultural and transdisciplinary work keyed to approaching two practices 每 visual anthropology and hypermedia; and the subject areas of anthropology, communication and semiotics 每 conducted by the following research groups: The Visual Anthropology Lab of the Open University of Portugal; and the Research Core in Hypermedia of S.Paulo*s Catholic University. %K Antropologia visual %K Interculturalidade %K Novos meios %K Visual anthropology %K Interculturality %K New media %U http://www.ic-journal.org/data/downloads/1292342994-42ribeirobaja.pdf