%0 Journal Article %T El Costo de la Falla Residencial en Chile: Una Estimaci 3n Usando la Curva de Demanda %A Jos£¿£¿ Miguel Benavente %A Alexander Galetovic %A Ricardo Sanhueza %A Pablo Serra %J Revista de An¨¢lisis Econ¨®mico (RAE) %D 2005 %I Georgetown University, Universidad Alberto Hurtado %X This paper estimates the residential outage cost in Chile¡¯s Central Interconnected System (SIC), using consumer¡¯s willingness to pay for energy. We first estimate the cost of reducing energy consumption efficiently, that is only the less valuable kWh (as indicated by the market demand curve) are rationed. Then we estimate the per-kWh cost of rationing by cutting off service. We find that the outage cost varies considerably depending on the length of the rationing period; and on how energy is rationed. Longer restrictions allow users to adjust more, and hence are cheaper. Similarly, we estimate that rationing efficiently is between two and six times cheaper than rationing by cutting off service. %U http://www.rae-ear.org/index.php/rae/article/view/49