%0 Journal Article %T A COMPARISON OF VALUE PREFERENCES OF PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS AND THE ONES OF STUDENTS OF OTHER DISCIPLINES IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND THE NETHERLANDS %A JITKA TAU£żOV¨˘ %J Ad Alta : Journal of Interdisciplinary Research %D 2012 %I Magnanimitas %X The actual study used the Values Survey Module (VSM 08) to investigatehow value preferences of Czech students differ from the ones of Dutch students.Secondly, the Schwartz Value Survey (SVS 57) was used to find out if there are anydifferences in value preferences between Czech and Dutch students and betweenstudents of psychology and students of other disciplines. Finally, all four of the groupsbased on all of the combinations of nationality and study fields were compared usingthe Schwartz value Survey. The results of the study revealed that Czech students andDutch students had different value preferences, whereas psychology students andstudents of other subjects did not differ from each other. The research alsodemonstrated the differences among value preferences of all four groups. %K value %K value preferences %K cross-cultural comparison %K Czech Republic %K Netherlands %K students %U http://www.magnanimitas.cz/ADALTA/0201/papers/A_tausova.pdf