%0 Journal Article %T Total Quality Management in Libraries: A Short Review K¨¹t¨¹phanelerde Toplam Kalite Y netimi: K sa Bir G zden Ge irme %A Erol Y£¿lmaz %J T¨¹rk K¨¹t¨¹phanecili£¿i %D 2010 %I T¨¹rk K¨¹t¨¹phaneciler Derne?i / Turkish Librarians' Association %X Total Quality Management (TQM), is a management style that aimed at customer satisfaction. In the organisations in which TQM is applied customer is in the centre of the organization. In other words, in this kind of organisations the customer comes before everything else. Reaching the highest level of the customer satisfaction is among the targets of the mentioned organizations. In this study, primarily, definition of the TQM is going to be made together with its definition, short history, purpose, benefits and factors; besides descriptive information is going to be given about internal customer, external customer, customer centered process and customer satisfaction. In the second part of the study, TQM subject is going to be discussed within the scope of the libraries widely. In this context, after explanation of customer centeredness (placing the customer at the centre), customer satisfaction and benefits of the TQM to the libraries, the subject is going to be discussed in the context of our country. Toplam Kalite Y netimi (TKY), m¨¹ teri memnuniyeti elde etmeyi ama lam bir y netim bi imidir. TKY uygulanan i letmelerde m¨¹ teri kurumun merkezinde yer almaktad r. Bir ba ka ifadeyle, bu t¨¹r kurumlarda m¨¹ teri her eyden nce gelmektedir. S zkonusu i letmelerin hedeflerinde ise, en y¨¹ksek d¨¹zeyde m¨¹ teri memnuniyetine eri mek yer almaktad r. Bu al mada, ncelikle; tan m , k sa tarih esi, amac , yararlar ve unsurlar yla birlikte TKY tan mlamas yap lacak; ayr ca i m¨¹ teri, d m¨¹ teri, m¨¹ teri merkezlilik ve m¨¹ teri memnuniyeti hakk nda tan mlay c bilgiler verilecektir. al man n ikinci b l¨¹m¨¹nde ise, TKY konusu k¨¹t¨¹phaneler baz nda ve geni bir bi imde ele al nacakt r. Bu ba lamda, kullan c merkezlilik, kullan c memnuniyeti ve TKY¡¯nin k¨¹t¨¹phanelere sa layaca yararlar n a klanmas n n ard ndan konu ¨¹lkemiz baz nda tart lacakt r. %K toplam kalite y netimi %K k¨¹t¨¹phaneler %K i m¨¹ teri %K d m¨¹ teri %K m¨¹ teri merkezlilik %K m¨¹ teri memnuniyeti %K k¨¹t¨¹phane kullan c lar %K k¨¹t¨¹phane personeli %K kullan c merkezlilik %K kullan c memnuniyeti %U http://tk.kutuphaneci.org.tr/index.php/tk/article/view/2181