%0 Journal Article %T Efficient Image Encryption Using a Chaos-based PWL Memristor %A Lin Zhaohui %A Wang Hongxia %J IETE Technical Review %D 2010 %I %X An image encryption algorithm based on the chaotic system has been increasingly used, but the disadvantages of small key space, weak security in low dimensional chaotic cryptosystems, simple chaotic system, and inconvenient for hardware implementation, are obvious. This paper presents a new image encryption algorithm based on chaos with the PWL memristor in Chua¡äs circuit. This encryption algorithm includes two main operations of image scrambling and pixel replacement. Simulations show that the key space is large, and the attacker cannot decrypt an encrypted image without the correct key. The encryption algorithm has high-level security. %K Attack %K Chaos %K Chua¡äs circuit %K Image encryption %K Memristor %K Security %U http://tr.ietejournals.org/article.asp?issn=0256-4602;year=2010;volume=27;issue=4;spage=318;epage=325;aulast=Lin