%0 Journal Article %T Healthier? More Efficient? Fairer? An Overview of the Main Ethical Issues Raised by the Use of Ubicomp in the Workplace %A C¨Śline Ehrwein NIHAN %J ADCAIJ : Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal %D 2013 %I Universidad de Salamanca %X The development of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) will radically transform our everyday life and social representations. These transformations will notably impact the working environment. The objective of this paper is to offer a first survey of the main ethical issues raised by the development of intelligent working environments (IWEs). It especially focuses on the capacity of such environments to collect and handle personal medical data. The first two sections of this paper aim to clarify the methodology (2) as well as the object (3) of the research. We then point out some of the main ethical issues raised by IWEs and their capacity to collect and handle medical data. The final section attempts to offer some elements of reflection regarding the ethical principles that should guide the development of IWEs in the future. %K Intelligent Working Environment %K Ambient Intelligence %K Human Resources %K Human Resource %K Management Ethics %U http://campus.usal.es/~revistas_trabajo/index.php/2255-2863/article/view/9894