%0 Journal Article %T Card Product Use and Perception of Marketing Communication by Card Issuers among Students %A £żur£żana Ozreti£ż Do£żen %A Bernarda Vajda %J Tr£żi£żte/Market %D 2011 %I Faculty of Economics & Business, Zagreb, CROMAR (Croatian Union of Marketing Associations) %X Student population is a very interesting and important segment of the market to the marketing practitioners involved in card business. The services and products offered by card issuers to students are created with a view to attracting the kind of users who will grow accustomed to a long-term, loyal use of a chosen card brand, i.e. beyond the point at which they complete their academic education. This paper describes the exploratory research on card products designed for the student population which was conducted in the Republic of Croatia. Student awareness of card products and their habits associated with card use were also examined. Additional areas of research were student attitudes and perceptions with regard to card products and to the appeal of the marketing communications which target this specific market segment. Results showed that the majority of students hold debit cards of the banks in which they have their current accounts. Students use cards actively, most of all for the purpose of withdrawing cash at automated teller machines (ATMs) and least of all for Internet purchases. They assess card use as being simple, and card holders are also aware of the various benefits provided through it. However, the recall of advertisements for card products point to the conclusion that card issuers do not communicate with students in a manner which the latter would find appealing. %K card products %K student population %K marketing communication %U http://hrcak.srce.hr/file/110472