%0 Journal Article %T COMPLEX PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF PARALLEL LAPLACE EQUATION %A PETER HANULIAK %J Ad Alta : Journal of Interdisciplinary Research %D 2012 %I Magnanimitas %X With the availability of powerful personal computers and networkingdevices, the recent trend in parallel computing is to connect a number of individualworkstations (PC, PC SMP) to solve computation-intensive tasks in parallel way onsuch clusters (NOW, SMP, Grid). Current trends in high performance computing(HPC) are to use networks of workstations (NOW, SMP) as a cheaper alternative totraditionally used massively parallel multiprocessors or supercomputers. In this articlewe discuss such complex performance evaluation of iterative parallel algorithms (IPA)and their practical implementations (Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iteration). On realexample we demonstrate the influences in process of modelling and performanceevaluation and the consequences of their distributed parallel implementations. %K network of workstations %K iterative parallel algorithms %K decomposition strategy %K inter ¨C process communication %K performance evaluation %U http://www.magnanimitas.cz/ADALTA/0202/papers/I_hanuliak.pdf