%0 Journal Article %T Obesity Heuristic, New Way on Artificial Immune Systems %A M. A. El-Dosuky %A M. Z. Rashad %A T. T. Hamza %A A.H. EL-Bassiouny %J Advanced Computing : an International Journal %D 2012 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X There is a need for new metaphors from immunology to flourish the application areas of ArtificialImmune Systems. A metaheuristic called Obesity Heuristic derived from advances in obesity treatment isproposed. The main forces of the algorithm are the generation omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Thealgorithm works with Just-In-Time philosophy; by starting only when desired. A case study of datacleaning is provided. With experiments conducted on standard tables, results show that Obesity Heuristicoutperforms other algorithms, with 100% recall. This is a great improvement over other algorithms %K Artificial Immune Systems %K Obesity Heuristic %K Data Cleaning %U http://airccse.org/journal/acij/papers/3612acij01.pdf