%0 Journal Article %T Student Attitudes, Conceptions, and Achievement in Introductory Undergraduate College Statistics %A Brian Evans %J Mathematics Educator %D 2007 %I University of Georgia %X The purpose of this study was to measure student attitudes toward and conceptions about statistics, both before and after an introductory undergraduate college statistics class. Relationships between those attitudes and conceptions, as well as their relationships to achievement in statistics, were also studied. Significant correlations were found between student attitudes and achievement, both at the beginning and end of the course. A low, but significant, correlation was found between positive attitudes toward statistics and accurate conceptions about statistics in the posttest but not in the pretest. Although it was found that there was no change in student attitudes and conceptions over the course of the semester, students did have more positive attitudes and correct conceptions than expected. Additionally, instructor interviews revealed that the most common technique employed to improve student attitudes and conceptions was the use of real-world applications. %U http://math.coe.uga.edu/TME/Issues/v17n2/v17n2_Evans.pdf