%0 Journal Article %T On a flat expanding universe %A B. Lehnert %J Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics %D 2013 %I %X An earlier elaborated model of the expanding universe with its contentsof dark energy, dark matter and normal matter is reconsideredand extended. The model is found to be reconcilable with the observedcosmical dimensions and with the magnitude of the present acceleratedexpansion. It has the form of a freely expanding cloud of zero-pointenergyphotons, with the inclusion of a small amount of normal matter.On a macroscopic scale, within the radius of the observable universe, themodel has the character of a flat Euclidian geometry, without the needof introducing curved space effects due to General Relativity. This flatgeometry is found to be stable with respect to expansive and compressiveperturbations, thus suggesting the universe to possess an intrinsicmechanism which aims at flat geometry. %K Expanding universe %K dark energy %K dark matter %K zero point energy %K flat Euclidian geometry %U http://www.m-hikari.com/astp/astp2013/astp1-4-2013/lehnertASTP1-4-2013.pdf